Mr.N.Johal  (President)

Mob. 07956822879


  • All Complaints from the public or members must be handled in the strictest conifidence by the    Secretary and resolved and holding a committee meeting.

    Equal Oppertunities

  • All posts must be fulfilled regardless of caste,religion and sex discrimination.
  • One person can be nominated for as many posts as long as the nomination comes from different    members.
  • Person nominated for several posts must choose to contest only for one post.
  • The person who loses the contest cannot be allowed to take up any position on the Committee.

    Handing over the Charge

  • All accounts must be provided to the new committee.
  • The bank in which funds are deposited will be instructed accordingly and the authority to sign    cheques will be given.
  • All cheque books , paying in books etc. will be handed over along with the stationery.
  • All the previous recordes will be handed over.


  • All members should display Association signs on their vehicals.
  • All members must inspire other Driving Instructors to join the Association.
  • The Association's Meetings and Functions should be advertised in the local press etc.
  • Letters should be wriiten to all non-members to join the Association.
  • Address of all Instructors should be obtained from the Driving Instructor Agency and requests to    join the association be made on a regular basis.

    New Rules and Changes

    All new rules and changes should be discussed in the General Meeting and be approved by a majority of votes.

    Minimum Lesson Price

    Every year a minimum price level sholud be recommended and any members undercharging sholud be disciplined.Minimum price this year is POUND 20 daytime,evenings and weekends.

    Affiliation with other Associations

    The President and all the other Committee members could decide about affiliating with any other Association.At present this Association is Affiliating with Leicester Driving School Association.


    Any fully fledged merger is forbidden until and unless approved by majority votes at a General Meeting.

    Expenses and Cheques etc

    All Cheque issued must be signed by the President and the Treasurer.
    The hiring of the hall should be paid from the Association.
    The entry fee should always be slightly higher for non - members i.e. POUND 5.
    Expenses incurred to entertain guest speakers at meetings with Department of Transport, Supervising Examiners etc. should be paid from the Association's funds.
    Expenses incurred by the Association's officials and members in attending DIA or MSA meetings should be paid from the Association's funds.
    All letters to be typed professionally and costs paid.

    Family Functions

    The Association must try and hold at least one Family Function each year.


    Driving Schools with many Instructors working for them should only nominate one of their Instructors.This is particularly important because the Association must be represented from a member of schools and should not be controlled by only one school whereby others are at the losing end.ADI's and members of the Association are only eligibal providing they are also registered as self employed Driving Instructors with the Inland Revenue , This is particularly important because the Association does not want those persons who will bring discredit in the future.
    In the future uneventful death of the President.the Vice- President will take charge for the rest of the term, or a re-election sholud be held at the next General Meeting.

    There should be a committee meeting at least once a month .Any member who misses two meeting in a Row will be automatically removed.
    There should be at least one general Meeting every four months.

  • President :

    Mr. N. Johal
    Vice President

    Mr. D. Johal

    Mr. H. Sehra
    Education Adviser

    Mr. Fasial Iqbal

    Inga paret